Robinsons Privilege Card
Finally, I was able to get my Robinsons Privilege Card. Yey! :)
Valid until 2017. :)
What is Privilege Card? It is the counterpart of SM's Prestige Card. The difference is that Prestige earns points while Privilege has discounts for stores and including hotels. If you want to earn points, Robinsons has another card dedicated for that. :)
Same with Prestige, you have to accumulate a certain amount of purchase before qualifying for membership. I applied last May, and received the card only this week (November).
Downside is that the owner's name is not printed on the card . Tsk. Tsk.
A booklet is also given with the card. This includes the complete list of participating outlet stores and their branches, perks of the card and other discounts. For convenience, you can download the app version available at playstore and appstore. :)
I find the booklet complicating, at first, since I have to browse for a brand then look for the branch where it is available. Most of the good offers are available in the provinces.
I guess I will enjoy this Free Jumbo Popcorn promo. "For every two ticket purchase, your jumbo popcorn is on us." Sounds great! :)
Ow! I also got 50 Pesos off for Movieworld. I'll be using this one of these days. :)
For those who want to avail the membership, the attendant said that they might not offer this card in the coming months. Aw! Though this is not confirmed yet. Just ask the csr. They are friendly. :)
Overall, this is a nice membership card. For a low minimum amount of purchase required (compared to Prestige), I believe their offers are competitive enough. Their edge among others, is for moviegoers. You are always assured of a popcorn. Yum. Yum. Just worry for your drinks! :)
For additional 5%-20% off on regular items, this is a must-have card! :)
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