Putting it into light: A Revelation of Jane’s Secret Glutathione Pills
Like most of you, you might be wondering what wonders Jane Secret might hold in helping you achieve that glow that you might be dreaming of. To find out, I am here to help you unravel Jane’s Secret and see for myself whether or not this product contains the oh-lala ingredient for a fairer looking skin. Nevertheless, one should still be sure of one’s goal and ask oneself the three crucial words that are necessary for your glow up journey, namely Need, Budget, and Formulation.
From the PR package, Jane’s Secret sent me two bottles of their glutathione pills containing 30 capsules in one bottle. Packaging from both products are simplistically attractive. However the only downside that I’ve noticed from the packaging of their glutathione pills, is the lack of indication for the exact dosage for the formulation of each ingredient, the only thing that was indicated was the first and primary ingredient which is the 250 mg content of Glutathione. On the bright side, they also did state the other 5 remaining ingredients of Jane’s secret, namely Marine Collagen, Salmon Extract, Grape Seed Extract, CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C which also makes up the remaining 250 mg of the overall formulation of Jane’s secret’s Glutathione.
All these along with Glutathione are said to not just lighten your skin tone, but serve as an antioxidant and also to help with skin regeneration. Thus, without hesitation, I immediately put it to the test and tried it out myself. Being prescribed to take it 1-4 times a day, I did so religiously and as far as I can say, it did well on my skin and did not break me out. Although, the only concern that I personally experienced was it made my heart rate increase a little more than its average resting level after each time I took a pill, I palpitated a bit, but luckily my official ECG results are normal.
In the end, I can say that Jane’s product might help you in successfully achieving that glowing and fairer skin that you might be looking for. I personally don’t see any concerning formulations of the product that might put you at risk, since this has passed FDA certification, and it even did well on my skin!
This might be a no for me, but this is purely based on my personal experience, who knows maybe Jane’s secret may work wonders for you!
But above all else, always remember to consult your physician first before trying any form of supplement, product, or drug.
Do watch my vlog if you want to know in detail my personal review of Jane's Secret Glutathione Pills. :)
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