950 Pesos for an Overnight Stay in a Hotel: Malate Pensionne Review
Yes! You've read the title right. I had an overnight stay in a hotel for only 950 Pesos! :)
As what I have said in one of my blog entries, I always needed a place to stay whenever our call time from work is either too early or too late since it is not advisable for me to travel from Cavite to Manila, vice versa. Because of that, it has been a tradition of mine to blog the hotels or inns I had been to. :) Here is the compilation of my travel escapades in case you would want to read: Travel Goals
The hotel that I will be reviewing today is actually a last minute booking for I thought, our department team building wouldn't be pushed through because of the Habagat. Luckily, when it was announced that we will still be going to Bataan the next day, I was still able to find a hotel that can accommodate me that night. To my surprise, it was actually cheaper than what I had expected. We all know that prices are much higher if you will only book on the day of your check-in compared to days/s before.
Oh! I used Traveloka app for this booking (not sponsored). :)
I always been seeing this hotel back when my friends and I used to hang-out at Coffee Bean right next to it. It is accessible to public transportation and in heart of the busy street in Malate. Food establishments, malls, groceries, salons, everything you need is nearby! :) It is also a grab away from my work that's why I didn't hesitate to try a night here. :)
Upon entering the hotel, I have already felt a Hispanic vibe of this pensione. The staff are accommodating, one even accompanied me to my room.
It was quite creepy that the place reminded me of a museum rather than an ancestral house. HAHAHAHA.
It was creepier that you can hear a squeaking sound every time you walk on their wooden floor.
One thing I look forward each time I stay in a hotel is their signature scent. It's disappointing that the hallway of this hotel including the room smells floor polish/wax. It was actually too strong. Tsk.
The room is quite big for its price. :) But honestly speaking, if you are a fan of horror movies, you would not attempt to be here alone. HAHA. Since I am not fond of that genre, I bravely stayed, all by myself. :)
Yes it's a fan room. I only found out that it is when I compared the room price in Traveloka to Agoda. :) Just my tip: read the room description, not just the room details. I was just fortunate that it was raining during my stay that the room was cold. :)
It is stated in the app that the room has a Television, but mine has none. :)
It has also a working desk and a big mirror.
The creepiest part of my stay was when this wooden closet opened 3-5 times with the sound we only hear in horror movies. Wew! HAHAHAHA.
The bathroom is also big and well lit. :) It is also commendable that there is a divider for shower and toilet. :)
Mr. Pogi says:
As a customer who is particular with hotel smell, I think Malate Pensionne should improve more on this. They need to leave good impressions to their clients. While a lot of hotels focus on the state of the art facilities, I like that this pensione maintains a Hispanic ancestral house concept that could bring so much memories. I would highly recommend this to the millennials or gen z pips. It would definitely be a different experience. :)
I may not be availing their fan room again, but I like to try their other rooms! :) The location, price and service are definitely worth every penny! :)
Malate Pensionne
Address: 1771 Adriatico St. Malate, Manila
Contact Number: (02) 523-8304

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