Demystifying Skin Care Myths
With the emergence of so many beauty, skin care products and aesthetic clinics in the country, it is important that we education ourselves on the basics about our skin and how to take care of it. There are, however, a number of myths that are going around about ways to achieve healthy skin. Here are just three of them.
Myth number one: Antibacterial soap is best for keeping your skin clean.
Truth: According to Harvard Health Publishing of the Harvard Medical School, the skin normally has bacteria on it. It is impossible to keep your skin completely free of bacteria for any amount of time. In fact, many experts are concerned that the use of anti-bacterial soap could lead to more antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antibacterial soap is not necessary for everyday use. Regular soap is fine. Thorough and consistent hand washing, not anti-bacterial soap, is what helps prevent the spread of infection.
Myth number two: The higher the SPF of your sunscreen, the better
Truth: Above a certain level, a higher sun protection factor (SPF) has little added benefit compared with a lower SPF, according to the Harvard Health Publishing of the Harvard Medical School. Experts generally recommend using sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, which blocks out 97% of UVB radiation. A higher SPF would be more effective if you are planning to be outside for more than two to three hours, especially during hours of peak sun exposure (10 am to 2 pm). But in most circumstances, a higher SPF may not be worth the extra cost.
Myth number three: Expensive skin care products work best
Truth: This is simply not true, according to WebMD.Com. Many mass market products are better than expensive ones. Most active ingredients found in anti-aging creams, for example, are similar whether they are sold by a local store or a fancy boutique. Expensive skin care products can be good but you can usually get something similar for a lot less.